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Courses and Training

Our courses designed for teaching dance teachers, are courses taught and recognized by the IDTA - International Dance Teachers Association , which is an institution accredited by the dance council international in England, so all professional examinations for teachers are recognized by the English government .  


We provide a dance teacher oriented course in which students prepare properly for their Pre Associate, Associate, Level 3 diploma, Level 4 diploma, Licentiate and/or Fellowships exams. 

Modules and Extra training:​​​

Curso de pontas.png
formação música para professores de dança.png
Curso Intensivo de Anatomia (1).png
cartaz psicologia e pedagogia (2).png
Design sem nome (94).png


Design sem nome (2).png



Design sem nome (95).png



In addition to the linguistic component, students also have the possibility of choosing to have individual classes, or else in small classes, always with timetables adapted to them.

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